Two of the most common sleep disorders that are visible among people are Sleep Apnea and Snoring. Most of us would like to know if they are interrelated or they are different from each other. While both of them can significantly impact our health in the long run, it is good to know a few facts about them that actually make them different from each other!
Sleep Apnea and Snoring – How different are they
Sleep Apnea and Snoring have some rather interesting differences.
- Snoring happens when during your breathing process, the throat relaxes and subsequently the tissues inside the throat start to vibrate. Snoring is common in almost all human beings.
- Comparatively in Sleep Apnea the airway is blocked completely, leading to frequent breaks while you breathe.
- The complete blockage of the airway in Sleep Apnea can have a serious impact as this causes the percentage of oxygen in your blood to drop.
- However, snoring does not affect blood oxygen levels.
- The snoring process may cause a deep sense of embarrassment to your partner or those sleeping close by to you. This is while your sleep stays unaffected.
- Sleep Apnea on the other hand disturbs your sleep to a great extent leaving you completely exhausted and out of sorts the next day.
Does Snoring Mean You Have Sleep Apnea?
Every snorer is not likely to suffer from sleep apnea. Simple snoring may not lead to periods where the breathing process stops at night. Other factors like weight gain, alcohol consumption or smoking could be the likely reasons. However, if your snoring wakes you up at night gasping for breath or you have excessive daytime sleepiness, you might want to visit your physician for his opinion.
The Final word
The only possible and authentic way to tell the exact possible difference between regular snoring and snoring caused by sleep apnea is through testing which can involve a visit to a professional clinic for a sleep study or in some cases, taking a sleep apnea test at home
Good Nidra is a great platform and a widely trusted program ideal to deal with these medical conditions. This program is developed based on crucial factors and patient experiences and has a professional and experienced medical expert taking care of you and giving authentic evaluation and treatment.